
The Amethyst crystal is known for Spirituality, healing of the Spirit ≈≈ Amethyst is used Transcend & Awaken to higher aspects of self ≈≈ The magic of Amethyst gemstone is opening the gate to other realms of higher wisdom

Skin disorders – acne Circulation problems Detoxifying the body Drunkenness
Respiratory – emphysema Endocrine system Eyesight
Nervous system – headache and migraine Infection
Sleep disorders – insomnia and nightmares Metabolism
Psychiatric disorders – stress Pain and swelling

Amethyst calms the emotions, encourages clarity of thought, and assists in attaining wisdom. Amethyst is a stone of the mind which brings calmness and clarity. Amethyst is said to attune its wearer with intuition, feelings and values. It has long been regarded as an aid to sobriety and is useful for combating alcohol, food and other addictions. It is also thought to ease obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Amethyst is the stone of spirituality and contentment, it bestows stability, strength, inner peace. It is a great stone for meditation and enhancing your intuition and psychic abilities with its calming and peaceful energy. Amethyst provides clarity and enhances conscious perception and understanding.

Healing: Assists in calming the mind, reduces insomnia and allows restful sleep, reduces stress, eases headaches, helps with hormone production, strengthens the immune system, cleansing organs and respiratory system, reduces bruising and swelling. Assists in the function of the pineal and pituitary glands.
Chakras: Third Eye & Crownn

The most valuable member of the quartz family, Amethyst was actually named after a Greek maiden who was the unlucky bystander when Bacchus, feeling slighted one day, set wild beasts loose to attack any passing humans. Since Amethyst was on her way to the shrine of Diana she called on the goddess for help but the best Diana could do was turn her into a white stone. Then, in great remorse for his tantrum, Bacchus poured a cup of wine over her petri ed form creating the lovely violet hues of the amethyst. Therein lies the connection between amethysts and ‘sobering effects’. The Greeks also reckoned that if you drank alcohol from amethyst goblets you wouldn’t get drunk. You can try this at home, although you may have some dif culty nding an amethyst goblet nowadays.
The sobering effect of the gem works against intoxications of all kinds. Not only in cases of drunkenness, but also when the passions are ‘over-excited’, consequently it has a reputation for being appropriate for nervous tension and over-indulgence. It was also used in ancient times to protect the wearer against contagion, as in pestilence and plagues, as well as the Evil Eye. For the Rosicrucians amethyst symbolises love, truth, passion, humility and hope.
The violet to indigo-purple colours of the stone relate to the third eye and crown chakras, which is why it has a reputation for assisting the pineal and pituitary glands, and is a great aid for meditation. It enhances right brain creativity, cutting through the illusion our society tends to sustain of being separate and isolated entities. Thus it helps to develop the sense of oneness that is a prerequisite for psychic ability and channelling.
Since the pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus are the ‘directors’ of the endocrine system, its calming effect helps to strengthen the entire endocrine and immune system.
If you are troubled by dif cult dreams these can be connected to your overall state of stress, or even to your hormonal balance as uctuating oestrogen levels can lead to disturbed dreams. They could also be a result of not trusting your intuitive urgings, or being off your path, so to speak. In all of the above scenarios the amethyst’s reputation as a healing gem for developing peace of mind, tranquillity, and acceptance can be put to use by following an old tradition of placing the stone under your pillow to ensure peaceful dreams.
Astrologer and crystal expert Judy Hall recommends using an amethyst crystal to re ect away harmful energies from your home – but be sure to position it with the point outward.
Edgar Cayce, early 20th century spiritualist and psychic, recommended amethyst for controlling temperature so here we see the endocrine connection again, and it may well be bene cial for hot ashes.
Amethyst is traditionally the stone for Pisces, and by association, February. However 19th historian and mythologist E.A. Wallis Budge noted that in ancient times amethyst was the gemstone for Aries.
And now the geology:
Amethyst gets its lovely violet colour from high levels of natural radiation (gamma rays from radioactive sources in the earth) and the presence of iron. All quartz is a form of silicon dioxide, which is one of the most plentiful materials in the earth’s crust. However the ne specimens used for gemstones are rare.
Quartz crystallises directly from igneous magma, which is molten rock that doesn’t quite reach the surface in volcanic eruptions. You will often see amethyst growing in geodes, which are actually gas cavities that are created in the lava due to pressure changes as it rises to the surface. As the liquid rock hardens, the trapped gas then contributes materials to the minerals present in the rock and over millions of years this recipe produces crystals growing into the space left by the gas.
The most famous source of amethyst is Minas Gerais in Brazil, 22
although it also occurs in Uruguay, Sri Lanka, Canada, the Urals, Zambia and Czech Republic.
Caring for your amethyst:
Don’t expose your amethyst to direct sunlight for a long time as the ultraviolet radiation can cause it to go pale and lose colour. Even sunlight coming through glass such as a window can damage the stone, as, while ultraviolet B is ltered by glass, ultraviolet A is not. This is also something to remember with any quartz varieties whose colour is irradiation-induced (eg: smoky quartz, citrine, pink quartz).
Quartz stones are very hard at 7 on the Mohs scale making them suitable for claw-set jewellery designs.
Some quick sci-facts about quartz in general:
When heated to 500 ̊c amethyst will becomes citrine. This is why you will occasionally nd ametrines with colour ranges from purple to yellow. Much of the citrine available nowadays is laboratory heat- treated amethyst. Citrine is another favourite of mine, and is the best crystal to use to attract abundance and prosperity.
Science and technology has many uses for the unique properties of quartz crystals. Because of the particular properties quartz possesses, such as piezoelectricity (i.e. it generates electricity under pressure) it is used for special pressure gauges, oscillators, resonators and wave stabilizers. It has the ability to rotate the plane of polarisation of light passing through the crystal, used, for example in polarimeters. And it is used in heat-ray lamps, prisms and spectrographic lenses for its transparency. Most of the crystals used in technological applications are now grown synthetically in the lab.
Alcoholism can be cured with amethyst. Put it in a bowl of water and leave it standing for a week, then drink half a glass of the water twice a day and diet on salt, sugar, oil, and lemon for a week. Carrying it in your pocket strengthens resolve to defeat alcoholism.