
The spiritual healing energies of the Diamond precious gem is to serve the energy of the soul ≈≈ The magic symbolism of the Diamond signifies and gathers energies of prosperity

Diamonds are believed to absorb and amplify the thoughts of its user, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of other gems and their wearers. The ancients also used diamond for detoxification as it is said to protect from poison.

A crystal of pure carbon, the diamond takes at least a billion years to grow in liquid magma some 150km below the earth’s surface. In fact a diamond specimen could be as much as 75% of the age of the earth itself.
As the hardest substance on this planet it’s appropriate that its name comes from the Greek, meaning ‘unconquerable’. The clear colour of the stone and its durability account for why, through the ages, it has been a symbol of purity and delity.
The tradition of the diamond engagement ring may have begun in 1477 when Maximilian I of Austria gave one to Mary of Burgundy as a betrothal ring. Certainly the idea was popularised by De Beers in a splendidly orchestrated publicity move during the 1950s with the now famous slogan ‘a diamond is forever’.
The Arabians, Persians, Egyptians, Jews and medieval alchemists all insisted that diamonds made excellent amulets bringing good fortune and attracting planetary in uences that make the wearer damn near invincible. Even invoking states of spiritual ecstasy.
As an amulet it was used to avert evil, protect in battle, promote spiritual, mental and physical well-being as well as give courage and nancial success. Ancient Romans wore diamonds on their left arm to protect in battle, tame wild beast and drive away witches (all necessary manly attributes required for maintaining empires). Queen Elizabeth I wore one to protect her from the plague, while Napoleon
had one set in his sword hilt for victory in battle. Wearing a diamond set in gold on his arm, so that it came into direct contact with his skin, cured an Austrian nobleman of his insomnia. The diamond was also celebrated as a cure for heart problems, gout, circulation, acidity, and even insanity.
Notions of purity and steadfastness sit quite well with an interesting legend that the spirit of the stone is offended at being bought and sold. If the wearer has acquired the stone for themselves the spirit was supposed to depart, since the diamond should be given as a pledge of love or friendship. Something to remember if you’re thinking you need a diamond amulet. This may have been the problem with Napoleon’s diamond – he probably acquired it for himself because its effectiveness was limited, since he won the battle but ultimately lost the war.
Considering the vast age of the diamond, and its indestructibility, its no wonder there are so many outstanding legends and fancies associated with the places where the stones are found – even when people of those times had no idea of how they were formed, at least geologically speaking (since that’s a relatively new way of looking at the world).
Since so much curious lore and power has attached itself to the diamond, this leads me to speculate that the ancients were intuitively aware of their rather awesome origins.
Diamonds were generated ‘in the land were there is 6 months day and six months night’ and were guarded by venomous creatures, is one such tale.
There is also a great deal of bad luck associated with stones that are stolen, or acquired in underhand ways. (So where did Napoleon get that stone?) One example is the legendary Hope diamond that now sits in the Smithsonian, as everyone who came into contact with it had some terrible fate befall him or her. Robbery, suicide, murder, accidental death and more followed the stone on its journey from India through Europe to its resting place in New York.
At 10 on the Mohs scale, diamonds are as tough as gems get. This makes them excellent for all kinds of jewellery designs, and most speci cally for modern ‘tension’ settings.
Some science stuff:
The diamond’s vital stats are so impressive I’ve already mentioned them above.
Interestingly, some crystals conduct electricity due to their boron content, while others are insulators. They have also been used in industry to measure nuclear radiation.